Playoffs List and Awards

The 2022 playoffs list has been posted to our playoffs page. Congratulations to all who made the list!

We held our annual banquet tonight and were pleased to honor Stephen Novak as this year’s Most Improved Official, Cliff Sasada as the this year’s Ernie Dominguez Rookie of the Year, and Darrel McEntarffer as this year’s recipient of the Joe Conte, Sr. Award. We are saddened that Darrel is retiring from officiating football after 31 years of dedication to the SGVFOA.

Election Results

Congratulations to Eddie Gaxiola, who was re-elected as a board member at large and to Bob Branson and Jeff Jablonsky who have been elected as new board members at large for 2023-2024.

2022 Calendar

Our 2022 instructional calendar has been set:

7/16/229:00am-11:30amRobinson Park Recreation Center
7/26/226:00pm-8:30pmPasadena Poly (field)
8/2/226:00pm-8:30pmPasadena Poly (field)
8/16/226:00pm-8:30pmPasadena Poly (field)
8/23/226:30pm-9:00pmSan Marino High School (make-up meeting)
9/6/226:30pm-9:00pmSan Marino HS
9/20/226:30pm-9:00pmSan Marino HS
9/27/226:30pm-9:00pmSan Marino HS (make-up meeting)
10/4/226:30pm-9:00pmSan Marino HS (7-man, invite only)
10/11/226:30pm-9:00pmSan Marino HS (7-man, invite only)
11/1/226:30pm-9:00pmSan Marino HS (playoffs, invite only)

New Board Members

Congratulations to Kenny James, who was elected tonight as our Vice President for 2022-2023. Also, congratulations to Matt Rascon and Robert Centeno, who were elected to Member at Large positions for 2022-2023.

2021 Football Season

It seems that we are going to have a regular football season this year! Although our instructional calendar has not been solidified, we will be having our first meeting on Saturday, July 17, 2021, 9am-11am, at a place to be determined later. Dues will remain at $135 for returning members and $125 for new members. (There is a $5 charge for paying with a credit card to pay with credit cards or to use PayPal when you pay us as a business.)

More info to follow shortly…

Believe it or not, IT’S FOOTBALL SEASON!

Happy Friday Morning Everyone!

I hope y’all are well and safe. As it is looking very, very promising for a modified football season to be played this year, there are some items we will need to cover as well as revisit since it has been a while since we all met last. Please check Arbiter and/or your email for a Zoom invitation for our unit meeting on Tuesday, 3/9/2021, starting at 6:30pm. We will be discussing new rules understandings, Covid protocols, assignments and several other items. I look forward to seeing everyone on the call, as it looks like we’ll be on the field two weeks from today!