Fredie Landinguin Memorial Scholarship

  1. The Fredie Landinguin Memorial Scholarship was created by the Board of Directors of the San Gabriel Valley Football Officials Association in 2011 to honor the memory of Fredie Landinguin and to encourage its officials to increase their officiating prowess and bring back their newly developed skills for the betterment of the SGVFOA.
  2. The scholarship is open to all members in good standing of the San Gabriel Valley Football Officials Association who have paid their dues for the upcoming season. An official who wins the scholarship and subsequently elects not to return to the SGVFOA that season shall not be entitled to any refund of dues for that season.
  3. The applicant must have applied to and been accepted to a recognized football officiating camp or clinic (hereinafter referred to as a “camp”) approved by the Fredie Landinguin Memorial Scholarship Committee. Such camps include, but are not limited to: Fresno Football Officials Camp, Football Officials International Aloha Clinic, West Texas Football Officials Clinic, Reno Football Officials Camp, Big 12 Officials Camp, and the Great Lakes Collegiate Football Officiating Clinic.
  4. The SGVFOA will award a maximum of one $300 scholarship paid to the scholarship winner upon proof of payment to the approved football officiating camp. If the cost of the camp is less than $300, only the cost of the camp will be reimbursed. If the cost of the camp is greater than $300, the balance due is the responsibility of the camper.
  5. The Fredie Landinguin Memorial Scholarship Committee will only consider those applications completed in full and submitted after January 1 and prior to June 1 of the year of the clinic. The committee shall make its decision prior to July 1 and shall notify the winning applicant and the association at the first general meeting of year. The winner’s name will also be posted on
  6. If the scholarship committee does not feel that there is a qualified candidate in a given year, it is under no obligation to make such an award.

Click here to apply for the Fredie Landinguin Memorial Scholarship.

Previous Fredie Landinguin Memorial Scholarship Recipients

2018 Sam Cover
2016 Ricky Hemawarman
2013 Patrick Hernandez, Sr.