NCAA Postseason

Saturday, December 17, 2016, 2:30 PM PST
Television Coverage: CBS Sports Network
2016 AutoNation Cure Bowl
Arkansas State vs. University of Central Florida
Center Judge: Darren Winkley

Saturday, December 3, 2016, 4:45 PM PST
Television Coverage: ESPN
2016 Mountain West Conference Championship
San Diego State at Wyoming
Center Judge: Darren Winkley
CIF Regional Football Championship Bowl Games
State Regional Playoff
Los Angeles vs. Sierra Canyon (at Granada Hills High School)
Head Linesman: Tim Dow
CIF-SS Finals
Silverado at Valley Christian
Referee: Jeff Klein
Umpire: Michael Wallace
Head Linesman: Eddie Gaxiola
Line Judge: James Thomas
Side Judge: Angel Aguirre
Field Judge: Jose Gaxiola
Back Judge: John Orona
Alternate: Will Fortner
CIF-SS Semifinals
Rubidoux at St. Anthony
Referee: Jeff Klein
Umpire: Michael Wallace
Head Linesman: Eddie Gaxiola
Line Judge: James Thomas
Back Judge: John Orona
Side Judge: Bob Branson
Field Judge: Angel Aguirre
Lompoc vs. Corona del Mar
Referee: Chris McNeese
Umpire: Alex Castro
Head Linesman: Tim Dow
Line Judge: Adrian Rebollo
Back Judge: Darrel McEntarrfer
Side Judge: Bill Sullivan
Field Judge: Jose Gaxiola
CIF-SS Quarterfinals
Saugus at Long Beach Wilson
Referee: Jeff Klein
Umpire: Alex Castro
Head Linesman: Eddie Gaxiola
Line Judge: Jose Gaxiola
Back Judge: Darrel McEntarffer
Santa Ana vs. Azusa
Referee: Bob Beran
Umpire: Robert Centeno
Head Linesman: Angel Aguirre
Line Judge: Bob Branson
Back Judge: John Orona
Lompoc at Etiwanda
Referee: Mario Miranda
Umpire: Michael Wallace
Head Linesman: Jim Lenoue
Line Judge: James Thomas
Back Judge: Michael Moore
CIF-SS Playoffs, Round 1
Foothill at Capistrano Valley
Referee: Jeff Klein
Umpire: Michael Wallace
Head Linesman: Jim Lenoue
Line Judge: Adrian Rebollo
Back Judge: Robert Plancich
Junipero Serra at Corona Centennial
Referee: Chris McNeese
Umpire: Alex Castro
Head Linesman: Eddie Gaxiola
Line Judge: Jose Gaxiola
Back Judge: Darrel McEntarffer
Gahr vs. St. Anthony
Referee: Bob Beran
Umpire: Matthew Castano
Head Linesman: Joseph Pavlik
Line Judge: Bill Sullivan
Back Judge: Matt Rascon
Desert Christian Academy at Lancaster Baptist
Referee: Paul Valenzuela
Umpire: Mike Martinez
Head Linesman: Dave Cater
Line Judge: Jeremy Hamlett
Back Judge: Chris McCarn
Kennedy at Valley Christian
Referee: Henry Torres
Umpire: Karl Davis
Head Linesman: Mark Yoshikawa
Line Judge: Bob Branson
Back Judge: Patrick Curran
LB Wilson at Pomona
Referee: Mario Miranda
Umpire: Kenny James
Head Linesman: Will Fortner
Line Judge: James Thomas
Back Judge: Michael Moore
Santa Clarita Christian at Sierra Vista
Referee: Tim Dow
Umpire: Robert Centeno
Head Linesman: Angel Aguirre
Line Judge: Bob McQueen
Back Judge: John Orona
2016 Playoff Officials
Congratulations to the following officials for making the SGVFOA playoff list. Please note that making the list is an honor in and of itself and is not a guarantee of getting a playoff game.
Angel Aguirre | Jeremy Hamlett | Mario Miranda |
Bob Beran | Chris Herrera | Michael Moore |
Bob Branson | Neil Hibbert | Jim Mulligan |
Matthew Castano | Kenny James | John Orona |
Alex Castro | Richard Keller | Joe Pavlik |
Dave Cater | Jeff Klein | Robert Plancich |
Robert Centeno | Mike Klementich | Matt Rascon |
Matt Conte | Jim Lenoue | Adrian Rebollo |
Joe Conte, Jr. | Mike Martinez | Bill Sullivan |
Patrick Curran | Chris McCarn | James Thomas |
Karl Davis | Darrel McEntarffer | Rob Tino |
Tim Dow | Chris McNeese | Henry Torres |
Will Fortner | Bob McQueen | Paul Valenzuela |
Eddie Gaxiola | Tracy Mendoza | Michael Wallace |
Jose Gaxiola | Mark Yoshikawa |
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