Further congratulations to Joe Conte, Jr., who worked the 3rd round FCS playoff game between Northern Iowa and North Dakota State on December 12.
Congratulations to Joe Conte, Jr., who will be working the Celebration Bowl between Alcorn State and North Carolina A&T on Saturday, December 19. The game will be televised at 9:00 AM on ABC.
2015 Playoffs–Final Assignments
Final playoff assignments have been posted to our playoffs page. Congratulations to the finals crew and to all of our playoff officials. Click here to see the crew for the final.
2015 Semifinal Assignments
Semifinal playoff assignments have been posted to our playoffs page. Click here to see the crews.
2015 Quarterfinal Playoff Assignments
Quarterfinal playoff assignments have been posted to our playoffs page. Click here to see the crews.
1st Round Playoffs
First round playoff assignments have been posted to our playoffs page. Click here to see the crews.
2015 Playoffs List
The 2015 playoffs list is now up. Please remember that being on the list is an honor in and of itself and is not a guarantee that you will get a playoff game. Click here to see the list.
2015 CFOA Newsletters #5 and #6
When it rains it pours! So, we’re pouring two newsletters on you this week. Newsletter #5 talks about errors in judgement, authorized conferences, penalties and enforcements, penalty flag trivia, “Five Referees”, and the 2015 CFOA Honoree.
2015 CFOA Newsletter #4 and Points of Emphasis
This week’s CFOA newsletter contains articles on confidence and preparation, types of fouls, heat/humidity, officiating pride, penalty enforcement, and moving/spotting the ball. Click here for the newsletter.
2015 CFOA Newsletter #3
Today starts the football season! (Actually, there were some games yesterday, but my first game is today!) Our education continues during the season, so here’s another CFOA newsletter. This week’s edition deals with the passing game, distance vs. angles, equipment, sideline management and consistency, and kickers becoming runners.